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Instructions on Submitting Contest Photos
Instructions on Joining the Chatroom
Open up the chatbox, and go to "Home" then click the box where it says "Search Rooms" and type in the name of the room. When you see the room pop up, click it and a box should pop up that has the name of the chatroom, the owner of the chatroom, and the description. There should be a pink button that says "Join Room" click that button and you should be brought to the chatroom.
Link for mods to send this ss to others: https://ibb.co/NjLwtYF
If you are in the chatroom, and a contest is running, the mods or Stacey will be posting a link where you can submit your entry. Copy that link and paste it into a new tab. Once you are wearing your contest outfit, hover over the house, until the menu drops down, and click "Gallery" Once you are there, click the camera to take a picture. Once you have the purple pop up open, type in the name of the contest, where the photo name is supposed to be entered then hit "Take Photo". You will then find the picture (if you have enough open photo slots) in your gallery. Click it to enlarge the image and view the image links. Copy the first link. Then paste it into the google form that you have opened in the new tab. Then Type in your lady's name and level in the box that has asked you for it.
Link for mods to send this ss to others: https://ibb.co/P505Ttp
Instructions on Changing the Font Size
When you are commenting on someone's feed, you can change the size of the text in a couple of steps! The ninth button over the emojis is the button you press to change the size of your text. If you click it "[size=]" will appear. Beside the equal sign you can type in the number you want your font to be so if you wanted your font to be bigger you could put in "20" beside the equal sign so it is "[size=20]"
link for mods to send this ss to others: https://postimg.cc/754j0mjN
𝔉𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔩 𝔬𝔣 𝔊𝔢𝔪𝔰
Confidence Booster
Lacking some confidence today? Chin up kings and queens, you've come to the right place. Take a scroll through our Confidence Booster to take back your confidence and start feeling like you again!
30 day happiness challenge
1 clean the bed sheets
2 listen to msic from your younger years
3 meditate
4 treat yourself to some flowers
5 compliment yourself and someone else
6 dance like no one is watching
7 take yourself out for lunch
8 do something creative
9 take a relaxing hot bath or shower
10 create a pinterest board full of things you love
11 bake a cake
12 go for a walk
13 call a friend
14 read a book
15 learn something new
16 try something new
17 help someone
18 start a journal
19 yoga
20 up-level something
21 celebrate every win
22 exercise
23 cook from scratch
24 make a fancy breakfast
25 liten to the birds
26 tidy a room in your home 27 visit somewhere new
28 watch the sunrise
29 eat healthily
30 have a PJ day
30 day Conidence challenge
1 list your best qualities
2 affirmations
3 exercise
5 keep a promise (to yourself)
5 read a book
6 stand up for yourself
7 face your fear
8 wear what you want
9 do something new
10 set a small goal and achieve it
11 pay someone a compliment
12 smile at everyone you see
13 think positive
14 pamper yourself
15 be generous
16 tidy your space
17 stand tall
18 set a goal and make a plan to achieve it
19 stop procrastinating
20 be honest with yourself
21 defy imposter syndrome
22 focus on others
23 do something fun and carefree
24 be okay with failure
25 compliment yourself
26 hone your skill
27 say 'no'
28 prioritze you
29 be grateful
30 reflect